
In healthcare, nurses hold an incredibly esteemed and vital role—and the admirable 护士的素质 不去不被认出. 事实上, 20多年来,美国人一直将护理专业人员评为最诚实、最道德的专业人员.1

有许多不同的 护士的种类 成为一名注册护士(RN)被认为是进入护理世界的入口. 为了获得这个头衔, 你需要理解教育, 法律, and professional requirements to start this valued career in healthcare. 本指南将引导您了解成为注册护士所需的条件,并解释在亚利桑那州成为护士的确切步骤.


注册护士是国家认证的医疗专业人员,负责与其他团队成员一起提供和协调患者护理. 从医院到学校, 注册护士在不同的环境中工作,遇到不同背景和健康状况的病人.

取决于他们的训练和专业, registered nurses may also specialize in certain fields of medicine, 包括肿瘤, 老年病学, ICU护理, 或更多的. 然而, almost all RNs will know and carry out the same common 护理技能,包括:2

  • Assessing patient condition, medical history, and symptomatic changes
  • Observing and recording patient symptoms and progress
  • 用药和治疗
  • 治疗和消毒伤口
  • 操作医疗器械和设备
  • Performing diagnostic tests and analyzing test results
  • Communicating with patients and family members on care plans
  • Explaining home treatments or post-care routines

A Step-by-Step Guide to Being an Arizona RN

现在的问题是:如何成为注册护士? Whether you’re a local or an out-of-town practitioner, 在注册护士项目中,每个护士都必须完成相同的州护士要求. 这些步骤包括:

  • 完成一个有效的护理学位(i.e., bachelor's, master’s, or doctorate in nursing) 
  • Passing the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) 
  • Applying for and obtaining an Arizona state nursing license

尽管有这些标准,通往护理职业的每条道路看起来都略有不同. 如果你准备从事护理工作, 从这三个步骤开始,成为大峡谷州的注册护士.

1 .获得护理学位

教育 is the pillar of every healthcare profession, including nursing. 这就是为什么每个州政府都要求你获得护理学位才能成为注册护士. Without a degree from an accredited institution, 你没有资格参加一个州的执照考试,也永远不会在医疗保健行业合法执业.3

Every nursing education program differs slightly across curriculum and content. 然而, a typical nursing program will usually include the following subjects:4

  • 生理学
  • 生物化学
  • 药理学
  • 微生物学
  • 心理学
  • 老年医学
  • 妇女和婴儿保健
  • 道德
  • 临床理论与研究
  • 护理过渡

然而, 实际上,你可以获得几种不同类型的学位来获得注册护士的资格,而且一个特定项目涵盖的科目(及其严格程度或广泛程度)也可能根据它提供的教育水平而有所不同. 这取决于你以前的教育, 当前的度, 职业目标, you may pick any of the following to become an RN in Arizona:5

  • 护理学副学士(ADN) 这个为期两年的学位课程通过课堂教学和实践临床经验,为护理学生成为注册护士做好准备.
  • 护理学理学士 -接受更全面的教育, a BSN is a four-year degree program that offers courses in nursing theory, 研究, 领导, 以及临床经验. 通常, the BSN program prepares nursing students f或更多的 managerial positions, 就像护士长一样. 
  • 护理学硕士(MSN) - BSN学位持有者, a master of science in nursing is an opportunity to deepen your education, 通常持续两年. 的 MSN program can open more nursing career opportunities, such as educational roles or specialized jobs. 
  • 护理学硕士 Direct Entry (MSN-Direct Entry) – Also called immersion programs or direct entry programs, 这种类型的硕士学位是为已经持有非护理学科学士学位的个人建立的. 通常, an MSN-direct entry degree takes about two to three years to complete.

在申请任何这些项目之前,确保你符合他们的资格. Each program will require you to hold a high school diploma or GED for entry. 此外,大多数护理课程会要求你达到学术标准,其中可能包括:6

  • One year of high school biology with a C or better
  • One year of high school chemistry with a C or better
  • Two years of college-preparatory math with a C or better
  • 有足够的GPA成绩(一般在2分以上).75)
  • Adequate standardized test scores (SAT, ACT, or TEAS)


Once you graduate from a qualified nursing program, 你已经完成了你注册护士之旅的大部分时间. 现在, 是时候采取下一步行动,成功通过全国注册护士执照考试(NCLEX)了。.

NCLEX 是一个全国性的考试 要求 for all nursing students to become registered nurses, regardless of location. 该考试要求学生展示他们对护理的理解,以获得州政府颁发的注册护士执照. 然而, 如果你没有通过,也不要惊慌——亚利桑那州允许所有护理专业的学生参加考试,只要他们需要通过就可以参加(尽管可能会收取额外费用)。.7

的 Arizona Board of 护理 (AZBN) currently operates the state’s NCLEX exam. While you can register for the test up to two months before your graduation, 你只有在你的护理学位被公布并被批准后才能参加NCLEX考试(通常在毕业后四到六周)。. As part of your state license application (step three, 下面的覆盖), you can prepare yourself to take the NCLEX exam through these steps:8

  1. Prepare the 要求 information and begin your application online.
  2. Send your application to the AZBN within two years of your graduation.
  3. 注册 NCSBN to sit for the exam (which requires a $200 application fee).
  4. Request school transcripts to be sent to the AZBN.
  5. 完成国家背景调查.
  6. Choose your desired test date once approved.
  7. If desired, apply for a temporary license under two circumstances:
    Your fingerprints are rejected and you have already passed the NCLEX; or

那么,你怎么知道你通过了? 的 NCLEX exam is a pass/fail test with a base logit score of 0.00. Although logit scores may be unfamiliar and confusing, they’re fairly straightforward: Any correct answers move your score above zero, while wrong answers move your score below zero.9 如果你的最终分数是-.18或更高,你就通过了.10

通常, you’ll get your results about six weeks after your test.11


如果你通过了NCLEX考试, 那么恭喜你,你离成为亚利桑那州的注册护士又近了一步!

As mentioned, RNs must be licensed in the state where they practice. 然而, there are a few different ways to apply and qualify for a nursing license, 尤其是在亚利桑那州. 亚利桑那州护理委员会对每种类型的申请人要求以下流程:12

  • 考试发牌 -如果您之前没有任何州的RN许可证或持有非compact州的许可证(见下文), then you must apply by examination in Arizona. This means students must provide an adequate nursing degree (with transcripts), 通过NCLEX, pass a criminal background check (including a fingerprint card), and confirm citizenship status to earn a registered nurse license in Arizona.13
  • 签注牌照 – If you already hold an RN license in a different state than Arizona, 您可能有资格执业-这一切都归功于增强护士执照契约(eNLC). 某些州之间的这种契约允许注册护士快速获得多许可证. As long as you meet all examination licensure qualifications, hold a United States social security number, 并得到州委员会的批准, you can earn an Arizona registered nurse license. 但是,亚利桑那州必须是您的主要居住州,才能通过背书申请许可证. 
  • 续发牌照 – In Arizona, RN licenses expire every four years.14 更新你的执照, you must have practiced at least 960 hours over the past five years, graduated from a nursing program or advanced nursing degree in the last five years, or completed an AZBN-approved refresher course in the past five years. Otherwise, you must completely start over the licensing process by examination.



You’ve likely heard stories from nurses about overnight shifts, 疑难病例, 工作压力. 然而, 毫无疑问,护理可以是一个令人难以置信的回报和充实的职业, 尽管面临挑战. 对于许多有抱负的护士来说,继续追求这条职业道路的原因包括:15

  • 积极的影响 -有能力积极影响(甚至可能拯救)一个人的生活是一个独特的机会,可以获得巨大的回报. 
  • 灵活性 -虽然护士工作时间很长, hospital nurses typically only work a three-day work week, 给他们足够的时间来恢复, 和你爱的人交往, 或者在休息时间追求自己的爱好. 
  • 专业化的机会 – Some nursing specialties include cardiac care, 皮肤病学, 取证, 毒理学, 还有门诊护理. 
  • 主题 – Individuals who are interested in topics like physiology, 生物化学, 微生物学, and pharmacology will get to learn more about these (and related) subjects.

Establish Your 护理 Career in Arizona with Alliant International University

护理不仅仅是一种职业——它是一种帮助他人过上更好、更健康生活的召唤. And to heed that call, your path to nursing starts with education. 在阿连特国际大学, 我们的护理学学士学位和护理学硕士学位直接入学课程为不同教育背景的学生提供了从事护理事业所需的大学护理教育.

Whether you hope to practice in a public school or hospital, 我们的专业人员随时准备帮助你实现你的教育目标,成为一名有抱负的护士,这样有一天, you can reach your career goals as a registered nurse.

Discover more about our nursing programs at the 护理与健康科学学院 今天.


  1. RJ莱因哈特. 2020. “Nurses Continue to Rate Highest in Honesty, 道德.”盖洛普. 2020年1月6日. http://news.盖洛普.com/poll/274673/nurses-continue-rate-highest-honest…. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  2. 什么是注册护士(RN)? (他们做什么?). 事实上. 2023年1月4日. http://www.事实上.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/what-is-an-rn-regist…. 2023年2月23日通过.
  3. AZBN监管期刊. “申请License”.AZBN监管杂志.  n.d. 亚利桑那州立护理委员会.  http://www.azbn.gov/licenses-certifications/apply-for-a-license. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  4. NurseJournal. “15 Common Courses In RN 项目“NurseJournal. 最后修改日期:2022年9月22日. http://nursejournal.org/articles/common-courses-you-will-take-for-your…. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  5. Smith-Kimble,考特尼. “Understanding All 护理 学位类型s Overview.“NurseJournal. 最后修改日期:2022年12月5日. http://nursejournal.org/degrees/types-of-nursing-degrees/. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  6. 盖恩斯,凯萨琳. “护理 School Prerequisites: 的 Complete Guide to Getting into 护理 School.”护士.org. 2022年9月26日.  http://nurse.org/education/getting-into-nursing-school-guide/. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  7. AZBN监管期刊. “APRN / RN / LPN Renewal License FAQsAZBN监管杂志 n.d. http://www.azbn.gov/licenses-and-certifications/license-renewal-faqs. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  8. AZBN监管期刊. “APRN / RN / LPN Renewal License FAQsAZBN监管杂志 n.d. http://www.azbn.gov/licenses-and-certifications/license-renewal-faqs. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  9. NCSBN. “考试后.“NCSBN. n.d. http://www.ncsbn.org/exams/after-the-exam.page. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  10. NCSBN. “通过标准.“NCSBN. n.d. http://www.ncsbn.org/exams/before-the-exam/passing-standard.page. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  11. NCSBN.  “结果处理.“NCSBN. N.d. http://www.ncsbn.org/exams/after-the-exam/results-processing.page. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  12. AZBN监管期刊. “申请License”.AZBN监管杂志.  n.d. 亚利桑那州立护理委员会.  http://www.azbn.gov/licenses-certifications/apply-for-a-license. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  13. AZBN监管期刊. “申请License”.AZBN监管杂志.  n.d. 亚利桑那州立护理委员会.  http://www.azbn.gov/licenses-certifications/apply-for-a-license. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  14. AZBN监管期刊. “申请License”.AZBN监管杂志.  n.d. 亚利桑那州立护理委员会.  http://www.azbn.gov/licenses-certifications/apply-for-a-license. 于2023年2月15日生效.
  15. 科瓦奇,莎. “25 Reasons to Become a Nurse | NurseJournal.org.“NurseJournal. 最后修改:2023年1月5日. http://nursejournal.org/articles/reasons-to-choose-a-career-in-nursing/. 于2023年2月15日生效.




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任何护理教育项目的目标都很简单:教每个学生如何成为一名好护士. 从临床能力...


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